It's gonna be kind of Wordless Wednesday post, I guess.
Recently I am too lazy to resize pictures or write blogposts, so today, I only want to show pictures of sheep and me.
I just realized that plural form of sheep is also sheep, same way as plural form of 'staff' and 'stuff' are 'staff' and 'stuff'. I just don't understand English.
Not Wordless as I said though. Here are some picture of cute sheep I found in an incredible pasture. I am a big fan of Shaun The Sheep, but only see sheep once a year when Eid al-Adha. Almost never touch them or pet (?!). So when I visited this pasture (will post about the pasture someday), I was excited to pat fluffy butts of sheep. I didn't know this kind of pasture does exist. I would love to visit everyday if it were located next to my house.
I love sheep and goat. I was born in goat or sheep year, lho, goat. Goat also wanted to join selfie.
The sheep is wearing paper earring with number written on it. He (it/she?!) is sheep number 305!
Sleeping sheep... disturb ahhh...
Heaven!! *towel towel *
What is your favorite animal?
Read my other posts about sheep?
Nostalgic posts (ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣﹏ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣)
Gemuuuuuk banget Sheep nyaaaa.. Ka Una itu dimana sih?
BalasHapusIyaaa gemuk banget :')
HapusDi Kobe...
where is that?
BalasHapusDi Kobe Om~
HapusIh, beneran lucu ya.. gendut-gendut bikin gemes :)
BalasHapusIya Mbaaa minta dicubit banget kan bokongnya =))
Hapusginuk ginuk yo sheepnya :D
BalasHapusHo ohhh =))
Hapusjadi inget lagi baba sheep una
BalasHapusBaba Sheep apaan tuh?
Hapusemmmbbbeeeekkkkk hehe
HapusAyooook, bikin plushstory lagi :p
BalasHapusAku nggak suka hewan apapun. Lebih suka manusia :p
huahahahaha...una, kalau mau link ama aku okeee lho untuk wordless wednesday...ada HQnya jugaaa :)