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Lazy to Update Blog

I feel like everyday I have many stories to tell and write. My life is just so colorful. At least in my opinion. And I really want to write everything on my blog but feel just too lazy to open my computer. But I always write kinda diary on my timeline LINE. And almost everyday. Using phone is just much easier than opening the blog dashboard.

Life is fun.
Except I have trouble in one class because I can't understand, hahaha. But even I have trouble and the teacher looked down on me, I still feel it is fun. I have trouble with some friends also.

Oh okay, I will write about a thing.

So in my school, there is one and only black guy from Nigeria. I did introduce myself to him but we didn't really talk until we ended up being classmate. I told my brother that I have African friend, because I never had, and he reminded me that Nigerian people like Indomie.

So the next time I met my friend again, I asked him, "Do you like Indomie?"

He was so excited replying my question, "Oh yeah of course. How do you know Indomie?"

Apparently it's true that Nigerian people don't know that it's actually Indonesian brand. They don't care where is it originally from, they just love Indomie so much. Then he told me, he really missed Indomie so much. He just arrived Japan around 3 months ago and had no idea that he can bring Indomie to the country. Of course, you can! And he doesn't know any shop selling African foods so until now he has survived without Indomie.

I know a shop ran by Indonesian man selling halal food and African food in Osaka, and I said to him I saw Nigerian-made Indomie sold there and I promised him I would buy for him I go that shop again. Anyway, this guy doesn't speak any Japanese and he said his life only between school and home. He even doesn't know about Yoshinoya, Donki, etc.

Last week, I did meet up with a Chinese guy in Osaka, and I went to the Indonesian shop, and told the owner that I have a friend from Nigeria. Then the owner showed me which African items Nigerian people always buy, I took pictures of them also. I also bought Chicken and Onion Chicken flavour Indomie made in Nigeria for my friend.

African items shelf.

Two days ago 17/7, I gave him the noodles and he was so happy. I could see his eyes so bright. He said the Onion Chicken flavor is the best instant noodles ever. (I dunno if it has exactly same taste with Ayam Bawang) I never see a person love Indomie this much. He said, he got the joy and so happy. I also showed him the pictures of the African food items sold in that shop and there is red palm oil which he really wanted to buy. He said he really needs that oil and he will never buy food from outside again.

This Sunday, we planned to go Osaka to buy this red palm oil 😂 Maybe he will also buy the Indomie.

Indomie really brings joy and happiness.

2 komentar untuk "Lazy to Update Blog"

  1. Nek kakehan onion ambu kringete piye na? XD

  2. hahaha, jadi bisa menambah teman ya na berkat indomie :D
