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I am so sensitive

Last year, two days before CNY, I cried in the farm because my roommate. She is one of my best friends I have in Australia. But one day, she made me really-really angry 😤 Because she chose money over me. She pushed me to ask permission to go home to supervisor who happened to be an Indonesian, I asked already, and my friend said: “UNA! Today price will be high, let’s just stay working!” What the F***? You guys were scared to talk to supervisor because you guys wanted to go home and I asked already and now you don’t want to go home? I swore a lot but I couldn’t be angry... and ended up crying 🤣🤣🤣 We went home and I just slept whole day while she couldn’t stop thinking about me 😂

This year, one day before CNY, I cried in public train because suddenly my friend (one of my best friends) accused me to do something I didn’t do. He said: Una Why???? He always blamed me on something I didn’t do, and before happened three times. And I was so so so angry and cried. And now again?! The thing is before he was in front of me and I could directly swear in front of his face. Now he is faraway. I said to him I was sad and cried but I guess he’s not sensitive 😤

I guess my heart is softer than Hello Kitty's. Weaker than your hymen. Really easy to break... but not with big thing, I won't be sensitive with big issue. I will be broken heart even when you only accidentally throw away my towel. Before my friend threw away my towel to rubbish bin, I was angry whole day HAHAHA.

I know I am super sensitive...
And I cried over little things... and people don’t understand why I cried 🤣
But I dunno why I always cry on CNY.
Maybe because of moon motion can make people more emotional? 🤔

Or maybe because my crush is gonna marry soon?
My crush = Reino Barack

10 komentar untuk "I am so sensitive"

  1. Kalo nangis tu sambil ngeplaki yang bikin nangis Un, biar orangnya ngerti.

  2. Tahun depan kalau mau CNY udah lari aja ke Disneyland biar senang senang terus :P

  3. Uopooo iki reino barrack xD nek nangis tambah ayu na *eh :p

  4. Obat dari produk ini sangat bermanfaat sekali dan sudah terbukti hasilnya. Jangan lupa kunjungi juga situs kami Roket4D
