Thanks to 2014!
In early 2014, I got a 'shock therapy'. My school (academic staff) called my mom asking why I haven't finished my thesis yet. Actually I thought they first tried to call me, but my phone was off because I was in Phiphi Islands, no signal. Then my mom told that I was in Thailand at that time. So honest one, huft. After that I promised I wouldn't travel around after my thesis finished but broke my promise in August. I went to Australia (my mom's fault cos she's the one who asked me to accompany her =)) ) and Macau also in November.
2014, my thesis hasn't been finished yet, failed in Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), haven't taken TOEFL or IELTS, still not financially independent yet, but very happy laah a whole year! Thanks to 2014! These below are only a few of MANY reasons why I love 2014:
2014, my thesis hasn't been finished yet, failed in Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), haven't taken TOEFL or IELTS, still not financially independent yet, but very happy laah a whole year! Thanks to 2014! These below are only a few of MANY reasons why I love 2014:
❤ Traveled to Gold Coast and Brisbane for the first time! Sponsored trip of course... by my mom =))
❤ Made many new friends from Japanese and Korean class, and also fellow bloggers!
❤ Got new camera!
❤ Got 32-inch TV from Hoyu event. Special thanks to Mbak Ani Berta for the invitation.
❤ Became one of the finalists of Why Macau Blog Competition by and Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) Indonesia. Went to Macau with other two finalists, Sofia Zhanzabila, Zahra Rabbiradlia, and buzzers and bloggers: Alexander Thian, Harris Maulana, Fahmi Catperku, Puput Utami, and Barry Kusuma.
❤ Won an iPhone 5C from Why Macau Blog Competition.
❤ Got many many birthday gifts!! I guess I have to write separate gratitude post for this.
❤ Got many (and free) stuffs to use and share, ranging from cosmetics to cookingware XD
So many happiness cannot mention all!
In 2014 also I lost my one of my VVIP in my life. My grandmother died and coincide with my birthday. I went to Jogja in early November when she was hospitalized, she still could speak very clearly. On my 2nd day in Jogja, we took my grandma back home. Then I returned to Jakarta and... my grandma also returned to hospital. For about three weeks my grandma was hospitalized until her 'final days' in early December.
In my family we don't have any 'pengajian' culture before and after funeral. No seven days, no 35 days, no one year death anniversary. After in the afternoon my grandma's funeral, in the evening we held pizza party! We ordered nine pizza to celebrate my birthday =,= my aunt asked this. Not me lah. After the 'pizza party', we opened the sumbangan boxes, opened the envelopes and count moneyyy. My aunt said that there were 600++ guests layat-ed (dunno the English word!) my grandma. I guess many people love my grandma :')
Ah almost forgot lah, aku sudah mengundi untuk giveaway Hello Kitty, dan ini pemenangnya:
1. Empieee
2. Ranii
Aku tambah satu pemenangnya... gift yang satu lagi, Hello Kitty's hand cream dan earpick, hihihi.
Why not fotogenic aaah =,= |
❤ Got new camera!
❤ Got 32-inch TV from Hoyu event. Special thanks to Mbak Ani Berta for the invitation.
❤ Became one of the finalists of Why Macau Blog Competition by and Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) Indonesia. Went to Macau with other two finalists, Sofia Zhanzabila, Zahra Rabbiradlia, and buzzers and bloggers: Alexander Thian, Harris Maulana, Fahmi Catperku, Puput Utami, and Barry Kusuma.
I wuz in Romeeee! Nope. This is Macau Fisherman's Wharf's Roman Amphitheater. |
❤ Got many many birthday gifts!! I guess I have to write separate gratitude post for this.
One of the nicest birthday gift I've ever received. Designed by supertalented graphic designer Angelica Fernanda :') |
So many happiness cannot mention all!
In 2014 also I lost my one of my VVIP in my life. My grandmother died and coincide with my birthday. I went to Jogja in early November when she was hospitalized, she still could speak very clearly. On my 2nd day in Jogja, we took my grandma back home. Then I returned to Jakarta and... my grandma also returned to hospital. For about three weeks my grandma was hospitalized until her 'final days' in early December.
In my family we don't have any 'pengajian' culture before and after funeral. No seven days, no 35 days, no one year death anniversary. After in the afternoon my grandma's funeral, in the evening we held pizza party! We ordered nine pizza to celebrate my birthday =,= my aunt asked this. Not me lah. After the 'pizza party', we opened the sumbangan boxes, opened the envelopes and count moneyyy. My aunt said that there were 600++ guests layat-ed (dunno the English word!) my grandma. I guess many people love my grandma :')
Ah almost forgot lah, aku sudah mengundi untuk giveaway Hello Kitty, dan ini pemenangnya:
1. Empieee
2. Ranii
Aku tambah satu pemenangnya... gift yang satu lagi, Hello Kitty's hand cream dan earpick, hihihi.
abis ngadain give away ya...
BalasHapusselamat kepada pemenang...
Iyaaa... GA kecil aja kok :')
HapusWaaahh itu Ranni Ya yang menang. Saya biasa memanggilnya Mba Ani. Blogger tercantik menurut ukuran saya. Hiehiehiee. Selamat buat mba Ani. Saya segera mengontaknya via Twitter. Siapa tau dia belum tau kabar gembira ini hiehiheiheiheiheiheiheiiehiehe
BalasHapusRanii emang cantikkk :") Hihi makasihhh tadi aku juga udah kontak via FB om...
Hapusduuh berasa pengen terbang (idungnya) dibilang cantik wkwk *saya ngerasanya agak ganteng soalnya *upps
HapusPhiphi Island? Saya kira tadi Philiphine Island maksudnya
BalasHapusEalaa salah baca hiehiehiehehehiee
Kasihan kan sayah?
Wahahaha... close sihhh...
Hapuswow, amazing mbak :D
BalasHapusselamat ya mbak :))
Makasihhh. Selamat tahun baru yaaa :)
HapusMungkin mau buat Selamatan kali ya
Udah bikin kok pas malam tahun baru :P
HapusHoraaay menang GA-nya Unaa asiikasiik *jogetjoget
BalasHapusmaaciiw yaa Una {}
Ditunggu yaaa Ran :')
HapusHalo Una... Wah, banyak sekali pencapaian kamu di 2014 yaaa? Keren ih! Smg di 2015 ini akan jauh lbh banyak lagi yaa. Dan sgr tuntas studinya. :)
BalasHapusMba Una termasuk salah satu Blogger fave saya. Program Jalan Jalan (traveling) DN dan LN nya sudah tidak dapat diragkan lagi. Kata orang "The more You Travel The More You know Yourself"
HapusMbak Al... itu kebanyakan bukan pencapaian kokkk... just semua yang bikin happy tahun ini XD XD AMIINNN...
HapusHahaha lebay Om Aseppp aku jarang-jarang pergi gini >,<
keren banget poto disitu mbak Unaaaa...selamat tahun baru ya mbak Una...
BalasHapusSelamat tahun baru jugaaa!
Hapushappy new year ya na!!!
BalasHapuslucu itu logo barunya... :)
Woohoo happy new year juga Mas!
HapusLuaaar biasa, Kaaak.
BalasHapusDimana2 memesona. Belum mandi pun tetep memesona.
Pastinya, hahaha...
HapusUnaaa... kok tante ga dikasih tauuuuuu giveawaynya
BalasHapusCuma giveaway kecil aja kok hihihihi XD
HapusAh senangnya!! ;)
BalasHapusluar biasa ya,ditutup dengan pergi ke macau gritis...semoga tahun ini lebih berkah ya naaa,dan kita bisa kopdar dimmana gitu hehehe
BalasHapushaisyah,kapan ngadain GAnya??? :(
Amiiinnn... mau kopdar di Riauuu... wkwk
Hapusselamat buat yang dapat GA Hello Kitty
BalasHapusEyaahh..tahun yang penuh berkat ya na...happy new year!
BalasHapusAlhamdulillah :">
HapusHappy new year!
tahun 2014 yang cemerlang, moga 2015 lebih bright lagi yaaa...wah bareng zahra yaa ke macau, asiknyaa :)
BalasHapusIya sama Zahra... amiin amiin :')
HapusMacau dan iphone wuhuuu keren :D
BalasHapusWohoooo :)
HapusMudah-mudahan 2015 bisa banyakan ketemu Una biar mukaku agak banyakan nongol di blog femes ini :))
BalasHapusWaks femes =,=
Hapusadeuh mba una mah travelling aja.. jadi mupeng :D
BalasHapusJaraaang Syif huhuhu
HapusBannernya lucu dan bagus banget Una :D
BalasHapusSelamat tahun baru yaaa
Hihihi makasihhh
HapusAku selalu suka baca cerita jalan-jalannya Una, apalagi yang geratis2 gitu bikin pengen masuk kopermu wahahaha.. semangat baru di tahun baru, Una.
BalasHapusWoaaah thanksss... koperku ukuran small Mbak, ngga cukup :P
HapusKeren deh, Una. Semoga tahun 2015 makin berjaya :-)
Hapusbaru berkunjung ke rumah ini banyak perubahan..
BalasHapusselamat untuk pemenang
Wahaha iya doongg
Hapus2014 jadi tahun yg gak terlupakan ya, Una :)
BalasHapusSukes juga di tahun 2015 ^^
Amiinnnn kamu juga yaaa
HapusWow.. Amazing life in 2014,,
BalasHapusTurut berduka cita ya Una, semoga ur grandma diterima Allah.. Alfaatihah
Thanks amiinnn
BalasHapusBanyak banget hadiahnya ya, Naaaa.. :D
Kayaknya 2014 mu berkesan banget, ngga kayak akyuh. Huhuhu..
Berkesan dooongg XD XD
HapusSombong banget. Tabok jugak nih. -_-
Hapuswahh kereen bangett nih yaa
Hapuskeren deh mbak una :)
BalasHapussemoga d tahun yang sekarang lebih baik yaaaaaa ;)
wah menang iphone >< keren banget....jadi semangat juga ingin ikut lomba2 blog
BalasHapuswahh ereen donggg