Eyeglasses lenses I am wearing now are made of plastic and I am kind of person who don't take good care of her things, always clean my glasses with my t-shirt, so lenses already scratched here and there. I still can use this glasses but I guess I need new one in case I can't hold the scratches more.
I am very happy because GlassesShop.Com offered me free new pair of prescription eyeglasses for me. The problem was... choice so many, very confused what to choose. I wanted cute colored frame glasses but wanted also clip-on glasses. After I discussed with myself, I chose clip-on glasses.
I have quite severe myopia -6 and astigmatism and I never had sunglasses in entire my life. I mean, even I wear I cannot see clearly, and I once had clip-on glasses but never wear it cos too circle makes my face looks very weird. Also I never had prescription sunglasses.
The eyeglasses arrived yesterday at my door. Woo-hoo~! The glasses came with transparent case and cleaning cloth.
Lemme try the glasses. In case you're wondering why my skin is fairer (I have darker skin than average people in Indonesia) is because I accidentally set the brightness on my camera two level above the default. Didn't realize, I swear! *out of topic*
Photo below too overexposure.
Are they look good on me?
I didn't imagine the lenses as wide as these, but it's okay lah. The glasses very light and the clip-on also light. Now I can go catching the sun with these cool clip-on glasses.
I think these few days in Jakarta, the sun is too bright, and it makes me feel dizzy sometimes. What about you? Last Saturday, I went to a place and it's quite far from my house, around 12 km, and I took ojek (motorcycle taxi) to go there. And it was too sunny day, and I wore these glasses. The glasses really helpful, and I didn't get migraine in my head.
There is coupon code you can use GSHOT50 on GlassesShop.Com. With this code you can get 50% discount off on eyeglasses and sunglasses with free lenses (sale frames excluded). There are a lot of cheap glasses you can choose on the website! Enjoy!
wuih keceee.. lucu bentuk (kacamata)nya unaa, apalagi yg sunglassess
BalasHapusBentukku juga lucu yaaa... :p
HapusBut you look so beautiful!! No problem, dear, even if you look whiter than that, or with true colors, that new glases look very nice on you
BalasHapusThank youuu Mbak Susi! <3
HapusAku kepengen, kebetulan lagi butuh kacamata baru, hahaha
BalasHapusBeli beli XD
HapusOkay Una, ill try that coupon code.. Coz i need a sunglasses..
BalasHapusEven it wider than ur glasses before, honestly u look more beautifull than before.. It means these two glasses have magical efect to you. Ahihihi
HapusAku suka warna rambutmu kak Unaaaaa
BalasHapusWarna merah kepanasan matahari =))
HapusUhuyy, kacamata baruuu. aku pengin ganti frame, na. tapi kok takut periksa mata lagi ya, takut minus nambah *worldproblem hadeh. ntar kapan2 ganti ah. :D
BalasHapusPeriksa aja Mbaaa, jangan-jangan nambah #eh
Hapusthe glasses made your looks up! Una :)
BalasHapusReally? =))
HapusAku pengen nyobaa beli ah pake kode pocernya, hehe. Thanks Una
BalasHapusDicoba Mbak... :)
HapusNa, aku udah buka website glassesshop.com-nya. Tapi aku nggak ngerti jelas tentang harganya. Itu harga yang tertera untuk lensa ukuran berapa sih? Terus kalau minusmu enam, kena tambahan harga berapa?
BalasHapusKalau minus dan plus sudah termasuk Mbak. Free.
HapusKecuali kalau progresif atau bifocal, ada tambahan biayanya.
kerennnn :-)cakep Na
HapusBagus Na kacamatanya :D .
BalasHapusKacamatanya doang nihhh...
HapusCakeeeep Na.....
BalasHapusCocok ya mbak... pas gitu gak kekecilan atau kebesaran... kalo aku beli kacamata pasti gak cocok sama wajah kan syebel
BalasHapustehy suit you fine una..aku perlu kacamata baru niih
BalasHapusWah kacamatanya baru, cocok mbak sama bentuk wajahnya.
BalasHapuswah jadi pengen ganti frame kacamataku. hehe.. soalnya juga udah melupas juga lapisannya. perlu kacamata baru.
BalasHapusbagus kacamatanya ..cucok sama una
BalasHapuskak una tuh emang blogger cewek yg gahuuul banget ya :D ....