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LINE FRIENDS Cafe & Store Seoul

Via LINE Messenger, my friend messaged me that I should pay a visit to Line Friends Store in Gangnam, Seoul. I didn't know about this Line Store before and I guessed yeah... should visit lah since I love cute stuffs and Line characters.

When I was in Korea, it was chuseok days, one of biggest Korean holiday. Thailand girl who was staying in the same room with me also planned to visit Line Store, but unluckily, the store was closed that day. I went to Gangnam Area on the next day, and the store was open... hm but wait, what line is that? Need to queue or what to enter the store?

They were queueing...
I crossed the road and found that the queue was for lining to take picture with giant brown. OMG! The store is three storey with the ground floor for entrance, the giant Brown, and all cute Line merchandise.

LINE Notebook!

Coaster? or Mouse pad forget

Brown super cuteee

1st floor of Line Store

The 2nd floor is for kids, clothes and Line collaboration products. Didn't wander much on 2nd floor.

Cute manholeee!
On the lower ground there is a Line Cafe where you can buy cake, macarons with Line characters pics on them, coffee, cookies, and stuffs. Also another Line merchandise products like bandana, packaged cookies, bags, etc.

Too cute to eat~

I'm ok going to school with these bags

Lower ground Line merchandise section.

Line Cafe!

Sally macaronsss!!

I guess you can guess~ I didn't buy any single thing in this store hahaha... So cheapskate. Only see see not buy =)) I'm kind of person who likes cute stuffs but okay with only see and look, no buy okay, hahaha... If you're Line user and love the characters, and visiting Korea, this place is for youuu!

Address: 535-15 (Garosu-gil), Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea.
Nearest Subway Station: Sinsa Station, exit 8, and find Garosu-gil (jalan/gang Garosu)

37 komentar untuk "LINE FRIENDS Cafe & Store Seoul"

  1. lucu banget ya...
    apa line itu emang asalnya dari korea ya?

    1. Line Jepang tapi induk perusahaannya Korea punya... jadi Korea ya? Hahaha =))

    2. hei dek bro, jalan-jalannya sampai jilid berapa ini?
      Kapan muleh?
      Gak kangen aku ta?

  2. lucu tasnya yg sally, anakku pasti suka tuh makenya, tapi klo asli gitu kadang ngasih harganya gak ketulungan pake banget

  3. Waaaa.... bisa lapar mata nih... bagus & lucu2...

  4. astajaah saya naksir sama bantalnya yang unyu itu sama tas! kayaknya cocok untuk anakku uhuuhu mupeng ih!

  5. Hahaha, Line disana memang booming banget ya Na

  6. Kamu pasti betah banget di situ. Btw, bantal lehernyaaaa cute abis. . .

  7. Waaaaaaa, lucu lucu mauuuuuuuu ke situuuuu ^ _^

  8. Un, yang dimaksud itu LINE Merchandise = LINE yang kek di hape? hehehe..#kepoabis!
    Barang2nya lucu2 dan bagus pula and pastilah harganya pun muahaal. Btw Inggrisnya okeh lho.

    1. Iya, Line yang aplikasi itu. Hihihi... maacih <3

  9. wow that is so very cool
    is there store like that in jakarta or maybe in gembrong market?

  10. Lucu banget!!
    Samalah Na, aku jg sukanya liat2 ga beli :)

  11. pelayannya gak sekalian pake boneka line

  12. Nek baca blogmu ki marai ngences thok Na....

  13. Kirain Line ini cuman messeger, ternyata ala cafee bahkan pernak perniknya. semakin lucu lagi karena iconnya memang nggemesin.

  14. Cafe ala Iline... semua karakter di line terpajang di sana, produknya juga bertemakan line semua... kenapa ngga buka cabang di indonesia yak

  15. lucuuuuu....wih hebat bs tahan ga beli satupun ya na..hahaha btw g ikutan foto sma giant brown na

  16. keren ya
    gak cuma mengandalkan aplikasinya aja
    ternyata pernak perniknya juga bisa dibikinin cafe dan store yaa

  17. Langusng close tab, lucu semua gila ni kalau aku masuk bisa mupeng abis
