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Update From Net Cafe Cubicle

I feel like I want to write something on my blog...

My summer holiday started 10 days ago, and I`ve been to Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Sapporo, and Hakodate, and now I`m sitting in an internet cafe cubicle in Ginza in Tokyo. Actually I was bit tired after sitting in train for almost six hours. Hakodate - Aomori, and transfer to Shinkansen to Tokyo. Then I thought I would sleep in any good hotel and imagined soaking in bathtub, aaa...

But yeah, I didn`t do good planning for travelling, I didn`t reserve any hotel (or hostel dorm) and yupp... it will be very expensive because it`s Tokyo. Well, not because of Tokyo, but because I`m such a cheapskate. I ended up staying in an internet and manga cafe which I think it is much better than staying in shared rooms. Of course, I would prefer Four Seasons Standard Room than this.

This is my first experience spending night in internet cafe... but I think it`s not that bad... WHY?

It`s quite cheap, I paid 1814 yen for 6 hours happy hour internet. Don`t compare it with net cafes in Jakarta, because, we can get free drinks from vending machine, ranging from hot lemon tea, milk tea, hot chocolate, even corn soup. I already finished my third glass. The private space room is spacious, I guess about 1,7 m x 2,2 m, and you can choose which type of seat we want. Like this cafe has some, recliner, sofa, or regular mat. I was confused but the receptionist said it is better mat type if I want to sleep. He knows well about foreigners who come in the late night what they want to do: sleep.

Some cafes provide shower room and some free and some not. I am bit unlucky cause shower room here is 500 yen, and don`t forget the 8% tax so it is 540 yen. But this cafe provides white clean body towel, small towel, body sponge, shampoo, razor, toothbrush and paste, and there`s hair dryer too. I`m amazed... though actually I don`t need them.

Will write more, with some photos.

I planned to see around Tokyo only for one day, but I want to extend and stay in Tokyo for three nights. Maybe this night will migrate to another cheaper net cafe... yeah I already copy the lists of net cafe in Tokyo and put in my phone, hehehe...


16 komentar untuk "Update From Net Cafe Cubicle"

  1. asiknya yg jalan2 terus....terus kapan aku seperti itu??? wkwkwkw....selamat menikmati jalan2nya ya mbak una :)

  2. so soooo....keliling Tokyo in one day? wo wow.

    *kapan balik ke Indo Na?

  3. wah Una....penasaran sama foto2nya nih...

    1. Males mindahinnya kalau di warnet gini wkwkwk

  4. wah,enak juga ya....bisa bungkus minumannya g na??kan sayang tu cuma habis 3 gelas xixixixix...
    unaaaaa..ati2 yeee^^

    1. Hahaha aku kepikiran mau beli botol minum, jadi jalan-jalannya ga usah beli minum wkwk

  5. Iihh udah liburan ajaaaa. Ditunggu foto fotonya unaaa.

    Btw bisa aja gt ya bermalam di internet cafe. Hahaha

    1. Udah mau berakhir malah liburannya wkwkwk... bisa dong hahaha

  6. lebih murah dari capsule hotel ya Na? nyobain capsule hotel donk, trus crita-crita...

    1. Next post nih Mbak tentang capsule hotel wakakak... lagi ngetik :p

  7. jadi tadi pagi mandi gak Una? kalau kurang uang nanti aku kirimin uang baru Alvin ;-D

    1. mandi jam empat pagi hahaha... pake uang Alvin bisa nginep di warnet setahun, hahaha...

  8. U may upload the photoes by ur handphone Una.. Penasaraann sama cafenyaa

  9. Amazed with your experiences there. Waiting for story of red district that you told me, hahahahha.
